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Asked By : foodie

Asked on : 06 Nov 2012   

I would lik to know more about 2 much breast cream .Are there any side effects?

Asked By : SK0509

Asked on : 09 Nov 2012   

Ampoxin 500 precribed to me for throat infection cough and cold. Dosage is three times a day for 4days. When should I take - Before or after meals? How to prevent side efect like diarrhea. Thanks

Asked By : JanetteC

Asked on : 15 Oct 2012   

In March 2012, I was diagnosed with Graves Disease. Since that time I have been taking Neomarcazole , starting with 40mgs per day, then 15mgs and now down to 5mgs. I last saw the specialist at the beginning of September and told him that for several weeks I had been experiencing pain in my legs.
He did not explain whether this was a side-effect of the medication and I have assumed from reading about Neomercazole, that the pain I am experiencing in my muscles is myopathy.
The pain varies in intensity and comes and goes but is often there at night and stops me from sleeping.
Before I contact the specialist again, I would like to know whether myopathy is dangerous in any way? would it be harmful to continue as I am for another five weeks which is my next appointment with the specialist?
Also, when I, hopefully, stop taking Neomercazole, will damage have been done to my muscles that cannot be repaired?
I am English and live in France and all consultations are with doctors who do not speak English, so I would appreciate, for once, having some answers in my own langugage.

Asked By : pary36

Asked on : 17 Oct 2012   

is livosil is good for fatty liver?

Asked By : guest1

Asked on : 29 Jul 2012   

I am pensioner under CGHS scheme and paid through one time installment and availing CGHS facilities. I will like to know if during immergency the benefitiary can get admitted to any private hospital or prior permission from local CGHS dispensary is required for admission in private hospital ?

Asked By : Bellisima

Asked on : 06 Oct 2012   

I had my thyroid removed 10 years ago, (cancer) and use Naphcon allergy eye drops routinely. Recently my pharmacist suggested I use something else for eye allergy symptoms, as Naphcon has contraindications for Synthroid users. What is the problem with using these eyedrops? There is no specific information on the container. I prefer them and my eye doctor recommended them but that was before I started taking Synthroid. Please advise...my pharmacist said something about these drops affecting the absorbtion of the Synthroid?

Thank you...


Asked By : Bhupen

Asked on : 28 Sep 2012   

Is Nimuslide a safe drug.

Asked By : rm100

Asked on : 01 Oct 2012   

Is crizonitib/Xalkori approved in India?

Asked By : rm100

Asked on : 29 May 2012   

Is Crizotinib available in India?

Asked By : hm

Asked on : 20 Aug 2011   

my son age 11 years . his hight is 125 cm
father hight is 173 CM
mother hight is 165 cm
why my son hight is not increase with age , please guide us what we do to increase hights

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