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Binge Eating : The Pleasure and Pain

Though rarely recognized, binge eating is the most common of all eating disorders. Surprisingly more common than anorexia or bulimia! Emotional eating is often a pattern of eating characterized by a voracious appetite, consuming large amounts of food quickly, and an eating tendency that goes out of control.

Want to be cured of the pangs of binge eating? Here’s help at our support group where you can network with others facing the same difficulties, and also gain advice from doctors.


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Breaking Cycle: How Psychosocial Skills Halt Relapse in Eating Disorder Patients
According to an expert in eating disorders, health services should prioritize teaching patients psychosocial skills to enhance recovery and prevent re.....
High Prevalence of Eating Disorder Symptoms in Insulin-Dependent Diabetics
A recent meta-analysis conducted at the University of Eastern Finland reveals that 25% of patients aged 16 and above with insulin-d.....
Genetics Play Major Role in Serious Eating Disorder ARFID
  • Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is a serious eating disorder characteriz.....
Are Eating Disorder Behaviors More Severe Among Transgenders
Transgender and gender non-conforming in Canada reported the most severe eating disorder attitudes and behaviors.

“The findings serve as a.....
Options for Smart Eating Disorder Through Targeted Services
Steady rise of prevalence of anorexia nervosa in the community over the past two decades mandates for accessible and targeted professional mental heal.....

Diabetes Drug - Tirzepatide Gets FDA Approval for Weight Loss
Tirzepatide, a diabetes medication, is approved for weight loss management by FDA and is found to be very beneficial when combined with diet and exercise... Read More
What is a Heart Attack | How to Prevent Heart Attacks - Myocardial Infarction Smoking
Heart attack is the death of the heart muscle due to loss of blood supply. Simple guidelines to avoid heart attack are listed... Read More
Wholesome Breakfast Choices for an Ideal Start
Good health and well-being depends on a leisurely breakfast. However, rushing our breakfast on account of work commitments is the biggest mistake we make... Read More
Anti-Quick Fix Weight Loss
Trying to lose weight? Weight loss is not a race or a competition against time but a lifestyle modification. Try out some simple tips for losing weight in smart way... Read More
How to Lose Weight with Noni Juice - Drink Up Now!
Noni is a traditional medicinal plant, also known as Indian mulberry. It has various health benefits and considered to be beneficial in weight loss program... Read More
Superfood Pomegranate for Beauty and Wellness
Pomegranate is a naturally occurring mystical and miraculous superfood with multiple therapeutic properties. Since centuries, pomegranate has been revered as a sacred symbol of prosperity, fertility, youthfulness and a life giving fruit... Read More
Overview Suicide
Suicide is an act of ending one's own life and it usually results from emotional isolations and inability to adjust and cope with one's environment... Read More
Sugar: Time to Look beyond Its Sweetness
Sugar is known to be the dietary cause for increased risk of several chronic ailments such as diabetes and cancer. Is it coincidence or is it for real?.. Read More
Stomal Stenosis following Gastric Bypass Surgery - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Stomal stenosis, a complication of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or weight loss surgery, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment are discussed... Read More
Sprout Your Way to Weight Loss
Sprouts are low in calories and high in nutrients, fiber, and protein, making them a perfect addition to any weight loss plan... Read More

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