 Fatima (Guest)
My two and half year old does not urinate often any more. He only urinates about twice a day. Could this be kidney stones?
Replied on Tuesday, December 2, 2008 12:00 AM
 louisemgray (Guest)
My now 15 month old baby passed 2 stones last year one in August when he was admitted with balanitis. At that time nothing was picked up re kidney stones in hospital and his urine was not infected I therefore didnt think there was any reason for concern. Then again in December another stone appeared this time it was actually stuck at the end of his tail and his was screaming unable to pass urine, after an hour or so the pressure of him trying to wee pushed the stone out in his nappy which then eased the pain. It was at this point he was referred to see the urology consultant, he has now been seen by the specialist and has had bloods taken, urine samples tested and a scan carried out. It has been confirmed that he has kidney stones in both his kidneys. He is now being referred to the RVI in Newcastle hopefully for some treatment and an explanation of why he has these stones and how we can treat him. Looking at the sypmtoms of kidney stones I can confirm he has had vomiting on 2 occasions which has been quite severe and completely out of the blue and lasts for several hours, also pus in his nappy and blood in his nappy.
Replied on Friday, February 27, 2009 12:00 AM
Did you ever figure out the "why?" behind your sons kidney stones?
Replied on Monday, May 11, 2009 12:00 AM
i have a son that 7Yrs old have problem sleep at night but i did take him to er i just find out that he have blood in his urine iam thinking it is a kidney stone
Replied on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:00 AM
 babygirl123 (Guest)
My daughter had a vomiting and high fever due to a urinary tract infection at 7 months and then again at 9 months, on the second UTI after 10 days of fever and antibiotics not working she finally got admitted to the hospital where they did a sonograms and x-rays and found she had a kidney stone, she was scheduled for surgery but passed the stone a day before the surgery. The stone was an infection stone (Struvite) and were not able to find the cause for the stone. She now has an X-Ray and sonogram every 6 months
Replied on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 12:00 AM
My daughter was frequently ill and diagnosed with viruses as a baby and at the age of two and a half was identified as having a urine infection. She was found to have a 2cm and 5 mm stone at three 3 1/2. They were removed by surgery at four, but she now has another two at 4 mm. She has a normal right kidney but her left one is smaller. She was due to have a DMSA scan done but as she wont lie on the bed it has been cancelled. We still do not know why she got them and how well her left kidney is working as the DMSA scan has not been done. I have been told that it would be useful to check for scarring in the future as if there is scarring she may need to have yearly blood pressure checks.
Replied on Monday, August 17, 2009 12:00 AM
My son is 5 months old..developed a urinary infection ..having pus cells in the region of 8-10hpf & trace of blood..my peaditrician suggested we do a usg & it confirmed presence of 3 calculi 2.4mm, 1.8mm & 0.6mm .. well most doctors are surprised at this ..we have consulted top urology peditricians but a satisfactory reply is not available ..am trying to find out whether ayurvdeda or homeopathic medicine will work..& what are the causes..& what will be the chances that they will not recur again..any suggestions...ANIL
Replied on Monday, February 22, 2010 12:00 AM