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Poliomyelytis, or polio, is a viral disease that sometimes affects the central nervous system and can lead to paralysis, usually of one leg but sometimes of the chest and abdomen and all the limbs. The polio virus spreads through water contaminated with feces containing the virus. The eradication of polio is one of the WHO’s top priorities.

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Individuals with severe polio symptoms experience complications that affect the heart, lungs and the urinary system. They


�Inflammation of the heart muscle

�High blood pressure (Hypertension)

�Fluid in the lungs (Pulmonary ...Read More

Posted on : Saturday, February 23, 2013 9:39 PM
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Julian Assange Whistleblows Bill Gates and Rotary International Julian Assange is the Founder and Editor-in chief of Wikipedia, he knows more about curing Polio than Bill Gates. Bill Gates is on a mission to eradicate Polio in third world countries by the year 2018. He and Rotary International plans to spend $30,000,000 to vaccinate millions of children in Africa and other third world countries. According to Wikipedia, a cure for Polio has been around since 1949. Enter: Dr. Fred Klenner- Polio on your search bar and you will discover that Dr. Klenner cured sixty out of sixty patients for a cure rate of one hundred percent [100%]. If you follow the money, Big Pharma is the main benificiary of this mission. In other words, every single acute case of Polio could be cured immediately. Why wait till the year 2018 ?. Intravenous Vitamin C is simple to administer and is also inexpensive as it is not patented.
Replied on Saturday, February 23, 2013 9:39 PM

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