 peglegsue (Guest)
I so hope this operation can be a success. I'm glad that there is a humble Dr. out there who appreciates how valuble this surgery would for an amputee. I'm a below knee amputee who is unable to wear a prostetic successfully because of continuing phantom foot and stump pain. I know much your life is altered by losing a limb. If this is successful I wish Dr.s could consider something for below knee amputee who cannot tolerate a prosthesis. But until then I hope the patients who lose the whole leg get the benefit of this trial surgery,and regain a more
active life. Sincerely, peglegsue
Replied on Thursday, November 4, 2010 11:40 PM
will you suggest me the best doctor because i would like to under go this type of operation.. if it is in india very helpful for me...please reply me...
Replied on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 8:21 AM
is it possible to transplant limb from one person to another person.. will he walk as a normal person? if yes please reply....
Replied on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 11:08 AM
 peglegsue55 (Guest)
I hope this transplant is successful. It will make a world of difference for the patient. And thank you for doctors like him wanting to make a better life for his patient. Also take comfort from the scripture in Isaiah 35:1-10. Jehovah [almighty God's name] will in due and that time is short, that he will make us whole again from what ever our ailment is and take away the grief.Revelation 21:3,4 promises that God will also do away with death completely.Sincerely, Peglegsue
Replied on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 11:08 AM
please suggest me the best doctor who are willing to do leg transplantation... if it is in India very helpful for me... please reply me.....if it possible please send their contact number also....
Replied on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 1:40 PM